The #Versaillesparquet takes its name from the famous Palace de Versailles situated in France for which it was first designed and constructed. It can be manufactured out of any type of hardwood such as oak and walnut but other exotic wood species can also be employed in manufacturing this magnificent #parquet panels.
We can also #supplyandinstall parquet de Versailles over #undefloorheating systems. In this case we will manufacture your parquet panels as #engineered #parquet.
When installing your parquet, as a general rule, your subfloor has to be structurally sound and flat to ensure floor coverings maximum life span. Our parquet de Versailles follows the original French method of manufacturing and every parquet element is joined with a mortice and tenon fixed by wooden dowels making it suitable for use in many historic buildings where there is no compromise on #quality or where any replacements have to be with like for like. The parquet de Versailles 1000mm x 1000mm x 23mm can be installed directly onto the floor joists.
A focal point in the room where the parquet will be installed must be identified and the panels centred with it. A focal point can be a cheminèe, a window or a passage from one room into another or all of these at the same time. Also, you need to make sure that it lines up correctly with and corridors that will receive the parquet as a continuation.
